Sunday, April 23, 2006

SUMMARY: LEF Cancer Adjuvant Therapy

The drugs, hormones, and nutrients discussed in this protocol have documented mechanisms of action that may benefit the cancer patient. The objective of implementing an adjuvant regimen consisting of multiple agents is to increase the odds of achieving a long remission. Once a remission is achieved, preventing recurrence and secondary cancers becomes a lifetime commitment.

Few oncologists aggressively seek to prevent recurrence once the primary disease appears to have been eradicated. However, the regrettable facts are that colonies of cancer cells can remain dormant in the body for years or decades before reappearing as full-blown disease that is highly resistant to treatment. This has been documented in autopsy studies of people who died of diseases other than cancer but nonetheless showed significant residual metastatic tumors in their bodies.

Preventive Dose
Cancer Adjuvant Dose

R-dyhydro-lipoic acid
150-600 mg/day
600-1200 mg/day

Coenzyme Q10
30-300 mg/day
Up to 400 mg/day

EPA-DHA fatty acids
1400 mg/day
2800-4200 mg/day

Kyolic Reserve Garlic
600 mg/day
Up to 5400 mg/day

Indole 3 Carbinol w/Resveratrol
1-2 caps/day
1-2 caps/day

Green Tea (725 mg)
1-2 caps/day
5 capsules 3 times/day

Life Extension Mix*
1 tbsp of powder, 9 tabs, or 14 capsules daily
1 tbsp of powder, 9 tabs, or 14 capsules daily

Liquid Emulsified Vitamin A
Up to 35,000 IU/day**
Up to 100,000 IU/day**

Vitamin C (included in LE Mix)
6-12 grams/day

Vitamin D3
Up to 1400 IU/day
800-4000 IU/day**

Gamma Tocopherol w/Seseame Lignan
1 capsule/day
2-4 capsules/day

Grape Seed Extract
100 mg/day
300 mg/day

Phyto-Food (cruciferous vegetable concentrate)
1 tbsp/day
1-4 tbsp/day

300 mcg-6 mg/day
3-50 mg/day

Selenium (included in LE Mix)
200-400 mcg/day
200-400 mcg/day

260 mg/day
Up to 2000 mg/day

900 mg/day
2700 mg 3 times/day

GLA (gamma-linolenic acid)
1 softge per day
900 mg/day